Service That
Treats Better

An alternative to an injection, surgery or medicine, we use patented technology to treat an injured area at the cellular level to successfully turn on the body’s natural healing process. Our advanced technology helps more patients by successfully turning on the body’s natural healing process.


Increases blood supply


knees and feet (plantar fasciitis)


chronic back pain  


Decreases inflammation


Stimulates and activates resident stem cells


Repairs, remodels, and regenerates tissue


Accelerates wound healing


Introduces antibacterial effect


Reduces acute and chonic pain

volleyball players
old couple

Blood Supply

If you’ve ever experienced swelling, skin color changes or even throbbing pain in your extremities, you may be experiencing poor blood circulation. Typically felt in your arms, hands, legs and feet, poor blood circulation can be a sign of something more serious going on with your body. SoftWave technology is FDA cleared for improved blood supply. Studies show a 300% increase in small, medium and large blood vessels following treatment.

blood pressure
back pain

Chronic Back Pain

Low back pain is the second most common ailment suffered by adults , surpassed only by the common cold. Chronic low back pain has many causes, which are treated with diverse methods, such as bed rest, lumbar support devices, traction, thermo- therapy, electrical stimulation, and manipulation in most cases.

In addition, invasive treatment methods, such as selective nerve root block and epidural injection, may be used. Surgery may be performed if there is no response to these treatment methods or if the disease is deemed serious.

SoftWave can be used for pain relief as well as improving muscle strength through appropriate motor simulation of the muscles and tendons with extracorporeal shockwaves.


Chronic inflammation is defined as any and all inflammation that lasts longer than a few weeks. Inflammation is a natural response to processes your body conducts when irritants both physical and chemical are introduced to your system and need to be dealt with.

Inflammation on its own is typically no cause for concern, however, if you start to experience inflammation that does not go away after an appropriate amount of time, you may be experiencing chronic inflammation that requires some extra attention.

While there are methods to reduce inflammation naturally, not all methods are created equal and may not provide you with the best results. SoftWave has been found to be an effective treatment for chronic inflammation and many other chronic pain conditions.

hand pain
back pian

Pelvic Pain

Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) according to NIH is genitourinary pain or discomfort lasting 3 or more months with undetectable uropathogenic bacteria.At 4 and 12 weeks, patients who received ESWT experienced improvement in pain relief, quality of life, and voiding symptoms. In the literature the patients experienced the maximum relief of their symptomatology after 4 weeks of treatment, according to our results patients have achieved an improvement even better at 12 weeks.

Healing Scar Tissue

SoftWave technology delivers non-invasive, low intensity, acoustic shockwave that accelerates healing and has been demonstrated to reduce scars and associated complications. SoftWave promotes healing by initiating biological responses at the cellular level. Treatment can be performed in an out-patient facility, without anesthesia, and in conjunction with other traditional wound care procedures.

With the recent understanding and expanded usage of shockwave therapy in the intentional improvement of scar size, elasticity, and pigmentation, SoftWave offers a valuable tool to augment current treatments for cosmetic procedures, Cesarean sections, keloid treatment, skin grafts, and reconstructive surgeries. It’s a ten-minute, easy-to-use, office-based convenient solution that restores confidence and offers patients a way to live their best life.

scare tissue

Golfers elbow

The road to recovery is not always easy, but SoftWave wants to make it as smooth as possible. Golfer's elbow can be easily treated using shockwave therapy, a simple and effective treatment used by many physical therapists and orthopedists. Even if you’re not an avid golfer, you can still be at risk for a golfer's elbow injury.

Golfer's elbow can occur any time the forearm is overused during repetitive activity. Some examples of activities that can cause golfer's elbow are golfing, tennis, baseball, painting, construction work, weightlifting, etc. It can also be caused by hitting your elbow on something very hard.

Tennis Elbow

The road to recovery is not always easy, but SoftWave wants to make it as smooth as possible. Tennis elbow can be easily treated using shockwave therapy, a simple and effective treatment used by many physical therapists and orthopedists.

Even if you’re not an avid tennis player, you can still be at risk for a tennis elbow injury. Tennis elbow can occur any time the forearm is overused during repetitive activity. Some examples of activities that can cause tennis elbow are, tennis, golf, baseball, painting, construction work, weightlifting, etc. It can also be caused by hitting your elbow on something very hard.

tennis player

Experience Relief Today!

Take the first step towards a pain-free life with SoftWave TRT's innovative shockwave therapy. Contact us now to schedule your appointment and start feeling better.